
Signaling for Help

When living in an abusive situation, having a discreet way to signal for help is vital. Develop a code word or phrase with your trusted contacts that will alert them when you’re in need of immediate assistance. This code should be simple yet clear, ensuring that those who receive it understand the urgency of the situation.

🚨 Important Note: Consider creating a visual signal for your neighbors if they are aware of your situation and willing to help. Examples include switching an outside light on and off several times or tying a piece of material around a fence or tree.

⚠️ Alert: Discuss with your neighbor what each signal means—red material could signal that they should call the police, while white material could indicate they should create a diversion like ringing your doorbell.

>> If you have children, involve them in the plan if they are old enough to understand. This ensures that everyone in the household knows what to do if the situation becomes dangerous.

Important Contact Information:

Safety Exit